This is my name from the first series. Furry Fran. Cute huh!

Now its time for you to find yours in the index below. Or if you like you can take the tour from beginning to end

If you cannot locate your name below then it was probably created in a later series.

1a. Nick 1b. Eddie
1a. John 1b. Ray
3a. Chuck 3b. Steven
4a. Brian 4b. Bill
5a. Ted 5b. Jay
6a. Art  6b. Bob
7a. Heather 7b. April
8a. Adam  8b. Blasted Billy
9a. Bruce 9b. Ken
10a. Stevie 10b. Geeky Gary
11a. Ritchie 11b. Bert
12a. Fran 12b. Hairy Mary
13a. Andy 13b. Stacy
14a. Scotty 14b. Jason
15a. Al 15b. Paul
16a. Wendy 16b. Maggie
17a. Jackie 17b. Lennie
18a. Frankie 18b. Brad
19a. Carl 19b. Chris
20a. Mel 20b. Jesse
21a. Iris 21b. Vicky
22a. Jeff 22b. Stan
23a. Dan 23b. Lou
24a. Rex 24b. Norm
25a. Carol 25b. Carrie
26a. Robbie 26b. Matt
27a. Janie 27b. Jenny
28a. Suzy 28b. Melissa
29a. Joanie 29b. Lynn
30a. Dave 30b. Petey
31a. Rhoda 31b. Pat
32a. Bridget 32b. Millie
33a. Mike 33b. Stuart
34a. Kim  34b. Banana
35a. Randy 35b. Robert
36a. Ruth 36b. Tommy
37a. Tina 37b. Cindy
38a. Sam 38b. Liz
39a. Betty 39b. Jean
40a. Mitch 40b. Don
41a. Gene 41b. Joe

 All Garbage Pail Kids are ©Topps 1984